Weiße Schräge mit lila Balken

Shape the energy
tran­si­ti­on with us.


We foun­ded FUCHS.Windto make a dif­fe­rence. Tog­e­ther, we want to con­tri­bu­te to a bet­ter, sus­tainable tomor­row.  

Would you like to work with us?
We are loo­king for­ward to it!

Your ener­gy counts.

The pio­nee­ring spi­rit of a start-up and the sta­bi­li­ty of an estab­lished fami­ly busi­ness are com­bi­ned at FUCHS.Wind into an excep­tio­nal employ­er that takes uncon­ven­tio­nal and inno­va­ti­ve paths.
We pre­fer fast decis­i­on-making pro­ces­ses, flat hier­ar­chies and an estab­lished lear­ning-by-doing culture. 

With two loca­ti­ons in Ger­ma­ny, our head­quar­ters in the bava­ri­an city Neu­markt and the FUCHS.Hub in Ham­burg, we offer maxi­mum fle­xi­bi­li­ty: you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work at both loca­ti­ons at any time and enjoy the best of both worlds – whe­ther in the south or the north.

Do you love chal­lenges, are you enthu­si­a­stic about rene­wa­ble ener­gies and want to be part of the FUCHS.Wind suc­cess sto­ry? Then you’­ve come to the right place. Find out what it’s like to work at FUCHS.Wind and con­tri­bu­te to a bet­ter future as part of our high­ly moti­va­ted team.
Mann im Anzug fährt auf seinem Fahrrad durch die Stadt

Our bene­fits

At FUCHS.Wind, we see you as a per­son – far bey­ond your title or role. Our goal is to pro­vi­de the fle­xi­bi­li­ty and sup­port you need for your pro­fes­sio­nal and per­so­nal suc­cess and your work-life balan­ce. That’s why we have a lot to offer!

  • Com­pe­ti­ti­ve salary
  • Fle­xi­ble working hours through fle­xi­ti­me and home office
  • Free cof­fee, tea and water in the office
  • FUCHS.Card
  • Job bike
  • Cor­po­ra­te bene­fits at a lar­ge num­ber of companies

Join – deve­lop – progress

From plan­ning to pro­duc­tion, engi­nee­ring to purcha­sing, machi­ne ope­ra­tor to assem­bly, the­re are many posi­ti­ons whe­re you can build an exci­ting and suc­cessful future with us. Wha­te­ver your posi­ti­on, make the most of it and deve­lop yours­elf. We wel­co­me appli­ca­ti­ons from all inte­res­ted par­ties – regard­less of their edu­ca­tio­nal back­ground. Late­ral ent­ry is pos­si­ble at any time! 

At FUCHS.Wind, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to deve­lop free­ly and con­ti­nue to grow. Whe­ther you are a tech­ni­ci­an, an accoun­tant, mer­chant, crea­ti­ve mind or orga­nisatio­nal talent – with or wit­hout addi­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons, from busi­ness admi­nis­tra­tor to doc­tor: We wel­co­me you!

Care­er star­ters & expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nals
FUCHS.Wind offers a wide ran­ge of oppor­tu­ni­ties for both care­er star­ters and expe­ri­en­ced pro­fes­sio­nals. Find out more about poten­ti­al are­as of exper­ti­se for your next job and how you can deve­lop your care­er at FUCHS.Wind can dri­ve you forward!

Intern­ship working stu­dies
Would you like to gain prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence along­side your stu­dies and are you inte­res­ted in an intern­ship or a work stu­dy pro­gram­me at FUCHS.Wind? Then you’­ve come to the right place!

Frau steht vor dem Windmast aus Beton

Our FAQs:

Can I also send you an unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on?2024–09-20T16:50:08+02:00

Yes, of cour­se! On our care­ers page, you can sel­ect the “unso­li­ci­ted” fil­ter under “Jobs” to access the rele­vant job adver­ti­se­ment. Click on “App­ly now” to upload your docu­ments. Plea­se brief­ly descri­be the area in which you would like to sup­port us and what your moti­va­ti­on is to con­ti­nue sha­ping the ener­gy tran­si­ti­on with us. We will then get back to you as soon as possible.

I can’t upload my docu­ments. And now?2024–09-23T16:15:38+02:00

No pro­blem! Just send it to us by e‑mail. Howe­ver, it may take a litt­le lon­ger for us to get back to you if you app­ly by e‑mail.

The posi­ti­on I want to app­ly for is no lon­ger online. Can I still app­ly?2024–09-23T16:18:15+02:00

Of cour­se! It will alre­a­dy be fil­led, but per­haps one of our other jobs will suit you. And of cour­se you can always app­ly on your own initia­ti­ve if the­re is no job vacan­cy that matches your profile.

Which do you pre­fer: upload or e‑mail?2024–09-20T16:51:25+02:00

Cle­ar­ly: Upload! This is also in your inte­rest, becau­se then the pro­cess runs fas­ter becau­se we can for­ward your appli­ca­ti­on direct­ly and in com­pli­ance with data pro­tec­tion regulations.

When will I recei­ve feed­back? How long is your pro­ces­sing time?2024–09-23T16:17:54+02:00

We make every effort to rep­ly to you quick­ly. At the same time, it is important to us to check every appli­ca­ti­on careful­ly. Depen­ding on the num­ber of appli­cants, it may the­r­e­fo­re take a litt­le lon­ger for us to get back to you. As a rule, you should recei­ve a respon­se from us within 10 – 14 days.

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